Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Is a Sea-Change Right Around the Corner?

The first term used about 2 decades ago was the "gender war." Today, it look as though it has gone nuclear. I have seen changes in male/female relationships that I never thought I would live to see, even in my wildest dreams.

The motive was to establish equality among the sexes, which became legally formalized by law through affirmative action. This left an exceptionally unlevel playing field for the American male. Instead of gaining acheivement through hard work and applying ones self, it became a matter of gender, skin color, or race.

Men started to lose ground beginning then, and it has accelerated at breakneck speed. It no longer is a matter of how hard you work at something, you are not going to make any meaningful achievments on that basis in today's world.

We became very close to becoming a Matriarchy during the reign of Queen Hillary, but men finally got off their duffs when their livlihoods where threatened. The miltia movement, a kind of paramilitary "acting-out" among men, scared the bejeezus out of the establishment.

Men began to physically take up arms, started paramiltary groups and drills, and generally threatened to go to war with the status quo. As soon as reality set in on the hill, they first went though great lengths to quash as many as they could, but for every one success, there were two failures.

We are now at a standoff, but tension can be felt in the air. Women are becoming not only assertive, but downright aggessive as in snarling. Many men are now just say to heck with it and are filing the divorce papers. Since most of the women are empty nesters, there is no longer the threat of hefty child support extortion and all but a few States have done away with alimony.

This has left the Feminazi movement in Limbo. Nature abhors a vacuum, physically or socially, and will do anything to fill it. The "filling-in" process has already begun in the shape of many men now marrying outside of their own race, ethnicity, religion, or socioeconomic group.

The end result is going to be a sea-change in the way women have gotten by since the 70s. They are beginning to age rather quickly, and it is noticable when one sees public photos of the person and then meet them in the flesh.

The person you meet, vaguely resembles the person in the photo, because the photo was taken decades earlier. These women are used goods and having to resort to online dating, because if they are still in the workplace or in an environment where they have physical contact with the opposite sex, their male counterparts will not touch them with a 10 foot pole.

Many are playing Mrs. Robinson, seeking out the young and virile and gaining the well deserved reputation of "cougar." So, where will this all end?

I only see two possibilites. Either they (women) will get their collective arses together and become a gentler, kinder species, or they will wind up as white haired, little old ladies toodling about in their electric scooters or Hoverounds in assisted living or nursing homes, where the only male companionship they will find is the housekeeper or orderly.

Yes it is a cruel world, but much of it is due to our own making. These women know deep down, it is about "game-over" time, but they are clinging hard and fast to their illusion. They are shouting from the rooftops to anyone who will listen as to how beautiful, funny, exciting, and pristine they are.

This is known in psychological circles as self-delusion. Perhaps, that is why anti-depressants are still the number one seller among women and why the divorce rate remains stubbornly high at  50% or more.

However, I have no sympathy for these people. They took advantage of the good intentions of men, and how it has backfired on them. However, the circle will not complete itself at least for another decade when the "mirror-mirror on the wall chant" no longer works and they truely realize that their time has passed.

DoctorKnow 20110803

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