Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Does She or Doesn't She?

If anyone remembers, it was a 60s hair coloring commercial. The answer was "Only her hairdresser knows for sure."

That comment can now be expanded to a number of aspects of contemporary American male/female relationships, everything from sports to sexuality.

Of one thing I am sure, men are no longer men in the traditional sense, and the same holds true for women. When attempting to deconstruct this issue, I came to the conclusion very quickly, that instantaneous everything, especially communication, have changed the nature and complexion of today's relationships.

Because most everything is text driven nowadays, with its lack of being able to see or hear the other person (I know is its possible with a webcam, but that is a poor substitute at best), communication depends on the receiver as much as the sender.

Things get misinterpreted due to differences in ones ability to master the written (typed) word, which can lead to all sorts of misunderstandings. I am not bragging, but I have superior verbal and written abilities. Perhaps my parochial education from elementary school to University has paid off in that respect.

I do have a tendency to use very big words, just habituation (there I go) from having spent so much time in academia. I often get a one or two line response, if at all, without the benefit of capitalization, punctuation, grammar, syntax, or spelling. I mean honestly girls, how hard can it be to run a one or two liner through the spell-check program?

Going back to my original thesis, I believe that she "does not." This can be readily seen in the phenomenon of bodily mutilation AKA tattooing and body piercing as well as a host of other social and psychosocial anomalies. For the life of me, I cannot fathom the idea of why someone would think that putting ink under their skin, which is nearly impassible to remove, or putting a metal bead in their nose or tongue, to be considered cool or attractive.

Of course, self-mutilation is a psychosocial topic of study in its own right. I just keep wondering what drives these people to such extremes? If things were not already bad enough, I come across this incessant silliness and giddiness among women,.especially those looking for "fun, humor, laughter, and excitement." Seriousness among men is now considered a mortal sin. Anyone engaging it should be tarred and feathered as far as many women are concerned.

If you are unable or unwilling to keep your potential mate in a constant state of laughter, or humor them 24/7, then you are little better than the trash man, and oftentimes get treated as such.

If I could wave a wand and clone all women, it would be the characters that Amanda Tapping plays in "SG-1," where she is the attractive, intelligent, but reserved astrophysicist of the team, that lets her commander, Colonel Jack O'Neill (Richard Dean Anderson) believe he is in charge. She always defers to him and respectfully calls him "Sir." I am often referred to as either a shi**ead, anal orifice, or other non-complimentary epithet. I do not recall the last time I was referred to as "Sir" unless the other person was on the payroll.

Not so similar, but equally impressive, is her role as Dr. Helen Magnus in the series "Santuary." Yes, I know many of you are thinking this is silly, sci-fantasy, but it characterizees our roles a humans very well. There seems to be a rather high correlation between IQ and the ability to appreciate this genre of media.

If you find this and my other blogs boring or immaterial, then you have tipped your hand and it would be best if we had nothing to do with each other. If you can appreciate what I am saying, then you are definitely someone I would like to get to know better.

The population of such women is on the verge of an extinction level event, and given my age, time is short. However, that does not mean I am desperate or would compromise on what I consider pertinent issues.

To each his/her own as it is said.

DoctorKnow 20110803

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