Thursday, October 6, 2011

The American Diva is About to Take a Dive

Just when you believe things cannot get any worse, they do. I started this series this past summer and since that time there have been at last count, 4 new online dating sites that have appeared.
Again, they are becoming increasingly specialized, but contain the same old methods and human detritus.

The "new" ones are just like the old ones, just with slicker interfaces and MUCH more advertising.  The vampires that feed on lonely hearts have found a new cash cow. Membership fees have gone up as well, with some sites charging a ridiculous $400 or more per year.

The women are predictably the same, wanting the sun, moon, and stars from the men. Desperate men, mostly divorced, displaced, often un or underemployed, and paying child support, have done nothing short of putting these women on a pedestal to get their attention.

They have yet to find anything that works. It does not matter how good-looking they are, their education, profession, and now even income, all seem to be irrelevant. The end-game is men are now just giving up the pursuit and reconstructing their personal and social lives for a life WITHOUT a significant other (woman.)

In my opinion, this is not necessarily a bad thing. The way men are characterized online, they are a bunch of uncouth, sex-crazed maniacs, with a Jason Vorhees hockey mask and machete tucked under their car seat. My sense is this is just more 45-60 year old female histrionics and paranoia.

Hey ladies, nobody is putting a gun to your head and forcing you to join these sites. It is by your own volition and has more often than not; it has nothing to do with finding a compatible mate, but rather a way to get the attention that women crave. That is why you are getting less interest, because we men are now catching on after having the wool pulled over our eyes since this whole phenomenon began.

The females profile headline often read a childish "Looking for Mr. Right." "Prince Charming," "Knight in Shining Armor." "Good-Hearted Man," with an occasional "Christian" or "God-Fearing," requirement thrown in. Having had a parochial education through University and being forced to take a de facto minor in theology, I cannot understand why we should ever have to fear our Creator.

The above headlines are not only silly, but lack in any novelty, imagination, innovation, and are downright lame. The same characteristics I would use to describe the majority of American women today.

There are few, if any compliments given to the men. The women often reply to interest, with very poorly written one or two liners, in essence saying they are not interested. If you say something that really offends them, then you usually get what a buck private gets from his drill sergeant.

During my general research, I found an interesting statistic(s). The first is, most of these women are educationally below par. Most have high school (and I wonder how many are GED) diplomas. The others have "some college," which really means they washed out the first few semesters.  From there it really goes down hill with very few even completing an undergraduate, much less graduate, professional, or doctoral degree.

The second interesting snippet of information is that foreign women have a VERY low opinion of the American woman. They do not mince words and generally describe them as spoiled, rude, mean, disrespectful, and hedonistic (my word, not theirs.)

That is perhaps why younger men today are now marrying outside of their race and ethnicity. After all, if I were in their shoes, what would I find attractive about a woman who pierces their tongue, nose, navel, and in extreme cases (and I will be clinical) genitalia. In addition, tattooing has made a major comeback, but among females instead of males.

This psychosocial nut-house is going to lead in an inevitable direction with some unpleasant unintended consequences.

As I have predicted in other blogs, the USA is on the verge of a major economic malfunction. At best, we are in for a protracted recession, at worst an all out depression. The only thing that has kept the American family from financially capsizing is the dual income household.

In many cases, it is now down to once, since male unemployment has skyrocketed due to corporate downsizing and outsourcing. Being in healthcare (a DDS) as my chosen profession, I thought I was relatively immune to downturns in the economy. I realized the hard way, during the bust of '08 that was not the case. After struggling from the get go, I realized I was working for little more than minimum wage.

After reassessing the situation, there was no way I was ever going to make my practice profitable and amortize all of the debt I had accumulated in pursuit of my professional credentials.

The situation left me in a default "early retirement" position withought the benefit of any type of pension and only half the regular social security benefits, since most of my working years were as a sole proprietor.

Women are about to get a taste of this bitter fruit as the knowledge economy, of which they make up the majority or workers, collapses. We have witnessed the collapse of real estate and finance. It is now spreading to energy, education, healthcare, engineering, and information technology.

When the collapse occurs, female unemployment will rise to unprecedented levels. Without a paycheck and no spouse, they will find themselves in the welfare line applying for public assistance and food stamps. If depression and anxiety disorders are the number one health problem in females today, just wait until the economic apocalypse occurs.

Many of these women have now been in their worker bee jobs for a decade or more. They perform their jobs out of rote memory and have not bothered to acquire any new skills. Again, if you have found this blog to be offensive so far, it is about to get much worse.

When the Soviet Union fell, most working women were employed in the US equivalent of civil service. Without a working federal or state payroll system, they were literally tossed out in the street. May university educated women were forced into the underground economy, prostitution, drug muling, the slave trade, and other activities you do not even want to think about.

I am not writing this to malign American women, but to serve as a warning. Yes, the tempation is to shoot the messenger, but that will not change the facts of what is around the corner. Most will automatically go into denial mode and say "this guy is full of bull" or worse. My best estimate is that the process has already begun and will reach its peak about 2015. Those that will survive will get their house in order and focus on the crisis at hand instead of "fun, humor, laughter, and entertainment."

DoctorKnow 20111006

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