Monday, November 21, 2011

Totally Clueless

If I swore, I would, and say that American women today, beyond their little corner of fun in the sun are totally clueless about things that really matter. Macroeconomics, geopolitics, corporatism, and the general state of affair are an "out of sight, out of mind" issue with the majority of the opposite sex.

A zit on their face is more important to them than a national security issue. Our Gen-X male successors or not much better. Preoccupation with computer games, reality shows, World Wide Wrestling, and the like consume the majority of their free time.

The 30- 40 somethings are now reaching the middle-middle class. The upper middle class, mainly Baby Boomers got whacked really bad in the crash of '08'-09 and are sitting on underwater mortgages and having to take care of their Gen-Y grandkids whose unemployment rate is over 25%.

The lack of conceptual understanding of our inverted economic pyramid scheme by most lead, to inane questions like "why are gas and food costs going up so much." Duh, no it is the dollar that is going down vis a vis commodities. If you try to explain floating exchange rates to someone you only get a blank stare.

The only thing that usually gets a population out of a state of complacency is fear or pain. Not since the Great Depression are the American people about to experience both in a major way. Unfortunately, there is no good way out of this morass. Both men and women of all generations, socioeconomic classes, and educational levels are going to have to get off their collective arses and rise to the occasion.

If not, we are going to see our standard of living continue to erode and collectively will be working our way down to a 2nd or 3rd world country and economy. History is the greatest teacher of all. We are headed the way of the former Soviet Union. The SU's economy, like our own was broke. Most men had to engage in crimial activites to provide for their families. Single women were by far the worst victims of the collapse.

University educated women, working for the State that had no functioning payroll system, were forced into the underground economy, prostitution, drug muling, and the slave trade. I know many of you are thinking "it could never happen here." History is replete with failed societies, and the U.S.A. is following the path of the Western Roman Empire, Mayans, Aztecs, Toltecs, Mongols, Chinese, Spain, Portugal, Britian, Soviet Union, and now the mess in the European Union.

It is time to put aside the quest for fun, entertaiment, laughter, and excitement. That is exactly the environment aboard the "unsinkable" Titanic before it struck the iceberg and began to head for the bottom of the North Atlantic. As the story goes there we too few lifeboats and over 1200 souls were lost. The U.S. counterpart is we have gotten into an inescapable debt trap which is our equivalent of the Titanics iceberg and there are not enough resources left to save everyone.
