Saturday, September 17, 2011 Takes the Online Dating Ripoff to a Whole New Level

Dear Fellow Male Compatriots,

We now have a new leader in the online dating rip-off scene, For the men, you must earn at least 100K per year, or have a net worth of 1M or more.

Of couse, there is no such requirement for the ladies. All of the information is supposed to be "verified", as if I am really going to send my W-2 or 1099 to a complete online stranger.

There are different levels of membership:

With each step you take, the fees charged to your account, increase exponentially. The Bronze membership, just barely gets your foot in the door.

After they have analyzed your data, the servers generate photos of the most attractive women on the planet, who want to meet "you."  Of course to interact with them, you have to poney up, in my particular case, a Silver membership.

The fees associated with membership, could buy you an awfully good time, with an upper-class call girl. The base rates run from $50 dollars per month to $150 for top billing.
The women who allegedly want to meet you, always have a secret message they want to share. I was a bit confused by the titles, which ranged from a simple "Hi" to "Ga, Ga" and "La, La", which are ostensibly an abbreviation of where the servers are located.

On most "free" online dating websites, the emails usually cease after about 7 exchanges of generally meaningless text chat before the women lose interest and move on to their next target. They will never give out their phone numbers, email, or other off-site identifiers.

I honestly believe these activites borderline on Cyberfraud, or in my home state  of Texas, "Deceptive Trade Practices."  When I finish my book, based on a compilation of all my blogs, I plan to circulate it to the Attorney General's Office of all 50 States, so I can put an end this harangue.

We men suffer enough in divorce court, child custody issues, and other legal matter involving the female gender. This particular ruse has really gotten the hair on the back of my neck to stand on end and for me to begin frothing at the mouth.

Guys, please use your noggin' and do not fall for this crap, unless you have money to burn for entertainment purposes.

DoctorKnow 20110918