Sunday, July 31, 2011

What has happened to the American Woman?

They were once kind, respectful, caring, loving, and enjoyable to be around. Now, I would rather be with a venomous reptile in many cases. I am talking about the American woman, once the gem of my eye and  now more like a grain of sand.

After having perusued the social media (aka dating) websites, more for my own edification than anything else, I have notice a complete change in demeanor. What I now find are a lot of arrogant, rude, demanding, shrewish, and downright nasty people.

The operative words on their bucket list are fun, excitement, humor, laughter, and wine. I suppose I could rent a Chuckles the Clown costume, buy a book on how to entertain the opposite sex, and break out a case of cheap wine, but being the insatiably curious person I am, I would really like to try and understand the dynamics of the situation first and foremost..

I first started noticing the changes about 15 years ago, about the same time as xenoestrogens chemically began to emascuate men. Men have not only lost their "mojo," but the gender war has evolved into something just short of a strategic nuclear conflict between the sexes.

Men are no longer standing their ground, but giving it up without resistance. Instead of standing up on their own two  feet, they are either tucking tail, or goveling at the feet of their woman muttering  "yes'sam." Vietnam era men (the last REAL men and war fought) are now in the grandpa age group by and large.

Many have been beaten down economically, sociologically, physically, psycholgocially, and have just generally given up, preferring to just stay out of harms way, instead of assuming the traditional role of the man of the house in American society..

Many of my peers and colleagues are content to live under their significant other's thumb, as a low priority and order organism. They avoid confrontation or serious conversation at all costs. They park themselves in front of the TV set, and are content with screaming at the opposition in some sporting event.

Women now control the household, children, money, social agenda, and certainly the sexual aspects of the relationship. I have attemped to deconstruct this phenomenon without success. If I am in the quandary I am, I can only imagine the misery and suffering of my compatriots.

What is going to and will happen, is some sort of sea-change with significant unintended consequences. My money is on an economic dislocation that will likely reset things to their natural order once again. The GDP (generally dumb public) do not have a clue as the the economic trouble this country is in. We are a borderline cross between Argentina, Zimbabwe, Eastern Eurpope, and the less developed countries of Asia.

When the house of cards finally collapses, along with the knowlege economy,  female unemployment will skyrocket. Domestic engineering will once again be a desirable place to be in the workplace pidgeonhole. At least there will be a roof over their head and food for themselves and children. The coming "reversion to mean" will be just the shock treatment that the doctor ordered, that our society needs to rectify itself.

As a natural law, the longer it goes uncorrected the worse it will be. For me, the sooner the better.

By DoctorKnow, 20110731